C# Continue with Entity Framework Code Project — 2

GM Fuster
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2022


This article is the follow up to the first one, so read this first if you haven’t yet.

In that other articles, I had the following code in the Controller for the Songs table (not checking for null or errors, keeping it short):

[Route("api/[controller]")]//this will determine the url to call the action
public class SongsController : ControllerBase
private APIDbContext _dbContext;
public SongsController(APIDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;

[HttpGet] //could just name it Get
public IEnumerable<Song> GetSongs()
return _dbContext.Songs;

public Song GetSong(int id)
return _dbContext.Songs.Find(id);

//add FromBody to let it know that the data we need to add is coming
//from the body of the request.
public void PostSong([FromBody] Song song)

public void PutSong(int id, [FromBody] Song song)
Song s = _dbContext.Songs.Find(id);
s.Title = song.Title;
s.Language= song.Language;

public void Delete(int id)
Song s =_dbContext.Songs.Find(id);

Notice that in the above code the methods are not async, which works, but, you can also have async code which will be more efficient.

If we want to have async methods, we need to use the async and await keywords and return Task or Task<T>. Let’s look at the methods one at a time. Also need using System.Threading.Tasks;


[HttpGet] //could just name it Get
public IEnumerable<Song> GetSongs()
return _dbContext.Songs;

Becomes this (also changed the result to IActionResult, not related to the async changes):

public async Task<IActionResult> GetSongs()
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status200OK, await _dbContext.Songs.ToListAsync());

Similarly, the rest of the code will change like this (note that the return type is going to depend on what you want to return, this is just a guide):

[HttpGet("{id}")] //could just name it Get
public async Task<Song> GetSong(int id)
return await _dbContext.Songs.FindAsync(id);

//add FromBody to let it know that the data we need to add is coming from the body of the request.
public async Task<IActionResult> PostSong([FromBody] Song song)
await _dbContext.Songs.AddAsync(song);
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created);

public async Task<IActionResult> PutSong(int id, [FromBody] Song song)
Song s = await _dbContext.Songs.FindAsync(id);
s.Title = song.Title;
s.Language= song.Language;
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status202Accepted);

public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
Song s = await _dbContext.Songs.FindAsync(id);
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status200OK);

Notice there is no RemoveAsync.

When the Code is not so Simple

The code we have is super short , in part because we are checking for nothing, and also there is no business logic involved. Usually it will not be that way. It is a good idea to have some extra files to handle this. These files would be Repositories and their interfaces. In that case you would have.

The interface and its related class will be per table. Each table still has its controller.

An example of one of those classes could be (I thought about removing the part that deals with the _customerMap but, left it and you can ignore, not specific for the concept):

public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
//use to cache customers
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, Customer> _customerMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Customer>();
//not static, should not cache
private APIDbContext _context;

public CustomerRepository(APIDbContext injectedContext)
this._context = injectedContext;
if (_customerMap is null)
_customerMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Customer>(this._context.Customers.ToDictionary(c => c.CustomerID));

public async Task<Customer> CreateAsync(Customer c)
c.CustomerID = c.CustomerID.ToUpper();
EntityEntry<Customer> added = await this._context.AddAsync(c);
int affected = await this._context.SaveChangesAsync();
if (affected == 1)
if (_customerMap == null)
return c;
return _customerMap.AddOrUpdate(c.CustomerID, c, UpdateCache);
return null;

public Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> RetrieveAllAsync()
return Task.FromResult(_customerMap is null ? Enumerable.Empty<Customer>() : _customerMap.Values);

public Task<Customer?> RetrieveAsync(string id)
id = id.ToUpper();
if (_customerMap is null) return null!;
_customerMap.TryGetValue(id, out Customer? c);
return Task.FromResult(c);

private Customer UpdateCache(string id, Customer c)
Customer? old;
if (_customerMap is not null)
if (_customerMap.TryGetValue(id, out old))
if (_customerMap.TryUpdate(id, c, old))
return c;
return null;

public async Task<Customer?> UpdateAsync(string id, Customer c)
id = id.ToUpper();
c.CustomerID = c.CustomerID.ToUpper();
this._context.Update(c);//we did not use Update in the previous ex.
int affected = await this._context.SaveChangesAsync();
if (affected == 1)
return UpdateCache(id, c);
return null;

public async Task<bool?> DeleteAsync(string id)
id = id.ToUpper();
Customer? c = this._context.Customers.Find(id);
if (c is null) return null;
int affected = await this._context.SaveChangesAsync();
if (affected == 1)
if (_customerMap is null) return null;
return _customerMap.TryRemove(id, out c);
return null;

Once you have that, and before you can use it in the controller, you need to go to your program.cs, and like we did for the APIDbContext:

builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();

Then on the SongController, CustomerController etc:

public class CustomerController :ControllerBase
private readonly ICustomerRepository repo;
public CustomerController(ICustomerRepository repo)
this.repo = repo;

[ProducesResponseType(200, Type = typeof(IEnumerable<Customer>))]
public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetCustomers(string country)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(country) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(country))
return await repo.RetrieveAllAsync();
return (await repo.RetrieveAllAsync()).Where( c => c.Country == country);

When you need more than one Get (or any other action)

If you have two HttpGet methods, you will get an error because the code doesn’t know which one to use. You need to create the second method so it has a different route to it.

You would have this one:

[HttpGet("{id}")] //could just name it Get
public async Task<Song> GetSong(int id)
return await _dbContext.Songs.FindAsync(id);

And you could now add something like this:

public async Task<Song> GetSomeOtherName(int id)
return await _dbContext.Songs.FindAsync(id);

And the url to it would be: localhostOrWhateverServer/api/songs/GetSomeOtherName/1

/api because that is what the controller had set up ([Route(“api/[controller]”)].

Linq with EF

You can use linq when getting data with EF. I’m just going to cover a few examples.

//get only the songs that have id>4 and don't get all cols, just id and lang
public async Task<IActionResult> GetSongs()
var myList = await (from s in _dbContext.Songs
where s.Id > 4
select new
id = s.Id,
lang = s.Language

return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status200OK, myList);

The result is:

"id": 5,
"lang": "Russian"
"id": 6,
"lang": "Portuguese"
"id": 7,
"lang": "Valencian"
"id": 8,
"lang": "Arabic"

If you have the Songs, and you also have a table that links each song to a list of countries where the song exists, you can get those countries when you get the song, with code similar to the one below.

Keep in mind that to be able to have the songs with their countries you will need code like this:

In your DbContext class, in addion to the Songs DbSet, you will need the countries one. It should match the table name: public DbSet<SongAndCountry> SongAndCountries { get; set; }

In the Song.cs itself, public ICollection<SongAndCountry> SongAndCountries { get; set; }

Then in the SongController.cs you could get the songs with a certain id and their respective countries with something like this:

var myList = await (_dbContext.Songs.Where(s => s.Id == 3).Include(c => c.SongAndCountries).ToListAsync());

Similar to the above, but with one more filter, you could do:

IQueryable<Category>? categories = db.Categories?.Include(c => c.Products.Where(p => p.cost < 50));

IQueryable<Product>? products = db.Products?.Where(p => EF.Functions.Like(p.ProductName, "Ch%"));

Paging Algorithm

Say we want the user to be able to tell us what page he/she wants, and how many records per page (this is for when we don’t want to send all the records at the same time).

We can take a pgNum and a pgSize (like 10 records per page), and then we would send back the corresponding records with

Songs.Skip( (pgNum -1) * pgSize).Take(pgSize)

That is it so far.



GM Fuster
Nerd For Tech

Software Dev. Always learning. Some notes here.